Let’s thank our 35 volunteers who joined us on at South Street Gardens Friday 17th November for our second Street Clean Up in advance of our Very Dorkensian Christmas Festival:
- Aviva
- Bullimores
- Circular Dorking
- Dorking BID Board
- Dorking Nursery School
- Dorking Men’s Shed
- Friends of Dorking
- Residents
Volunteers continued to join us throughout the day; it was truly wonderful to see the number of people who had simply heard about the clean up and wanted to donate their time to this cause. Our volunteers swept and tidied South Street, West Street and the High Street up to the roundabout.
We thank you and are grateful for your community spirit.

Keep Britain Tidy / Big Help Out
The first ‘Big Help Out Street Clean Up’ was held 15th September and we were joined by 24 community members. We’d like to also thank MVDC for providing kit to supplement the Dorking BID’s tools and supplies. Last week we were also approached by St Paul’s Eco Club to join in. The school children tidied up outside St Paul’s, the field before the glory woods, the alley down to St Paul’s Road West (from the Glory Woods) and up from St Paul’s church to the school.
If you would like to get in touch for future volunteering opportunities with the BID, please consider joining us for our Very Dorkensian Christmas. We need your help handing out programmes, potentially assisting our vendors, entertainers and businesses the morning of the event, and helping visitors on the day.
Please contact us at info@dorkingtownpartnership.co.uk to get involved.