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Published On: February 1, 2022

The following analysis contains data for the footfall devices at Westdaw, S.C. Fuller, Calliope, Dorking Sports Centre, Barnard Marcus and Renee’s Health Food Store.

  • Footfall in January increased compared to the festive period with footfall usually dropping in the final week of December and picking up again in the following weeks.
  • The largest week-on-week change across the device totals was from week 1 to week 2 where we see footfall rise by an average of 8.5%.
  • The devices located at Calliope, S.C. Fuller and Renee’s Health Food Store experienced the highest number of passers-by in this month.

Key Retail Metrics – Openings and closures

  • The figure above shows the yearly number of openings, closures, and the net change in businesses from 2013 to the end of 2019 in Dorking town centre.
  • The total business churn (openings and closures) appears to decline from 2013 to 2016 with both openings and closures declining.
  • From 2017 onwards, the number of closures increases each year, with 42 total closures seen in 2019 alone – the highest yearly number of closures in the town since 2013.
  • Despite the high number of openings in 2019 compared to previous years (31 in total), the high number of closures throughout the year leads to a net loss of 11 businesses in Dorking for the second year in a row.

Overall footfall volume

  • In late January, the first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the UK, but at this very early stage of the pandemic, footfall will not have been impacted at this stage.
  • As there were no lockdown restrictions in place, footfall in these locations appears relatively stable compared to the months that followed.
  • Footfall picked up from week 1 to week 2, as a result of the relatively quiet final days of 2019 being included in the week 1 2020 figures.

Week-on-week change in footfall

  • The figure above shows the week-on-week changes in footfall across the active devices in Dorking.
  • The week-on-week increases in week 2 2020 can be seen most clearly at the devices at S.C. Fuller and Dorking Sports Centre, which contribute to the overall increase of 8.5% compared to week 1 2020.
  • In general, the week-on-week changes appear relatively stable with no dramatic changes seen from week to week when looking at the total for all devices.

Raw data


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