Here is the latest update from Alice Keeping, Local Engagement Manager – South West London and Surrey:
“At this stage, we are still on track and our repair works have not been extended. We were aware that a news article was published yesterday, however would like to confirm that no updates or new information has been shared with the media or stakeholders. The article has been written based upon the FAQ document that was requested during the stakeholder meeting and was first published on Friday 4 October. Journalists can and frequently do publish articles based upon information shared by Thames Water on its website and social media channels.
During the meeting, we did let everyone know about the challenging conditions we are facing, including the complexity of our pipework and other utilities. It was agreed that it was important to share this with residents and businesses within the FAQ, but that this is the case with any emergency works we undertake. We simply do not know the full extent of the issue until we can accurately survey and review our assets, which we continue to do as we move along the pipe.
We continue to progress with our works, as well as conducting further investigations of the pipework and will always share any issues or proposed changes to our plans as soon as we are able to do so.”
Thames Water has also created a separate FAQ page that will be continually updated. You can access it here.
Compensation Information:
If your business has been impacted by the works on West Street and you’re struggling to complete the Thames Water Compensation Form, note that Thames Water has indicated that there is a reasonable allowance for professional fees that your accountant can claim. It’s advised to speak with your accountant first for assistance in completing the form.
For those in need of additional help, Rick Parish from Sophic Finance is offering to meet with business owners for a brief consultation to guide you through the process. You can contact Rick directly via email at