The BID is proud to support Pippfest. Since its re-election into place in 2022, we have been working hard to support Dorking. Since then, we have collaborated with our community to host an ATCM award-nominated DorKing Coronation and are planning a variety of exciting town events (join our Christmas Planning Committee here), providing business support and are raising the profile of the hidden gem of the Surrey Hills with our community partners.
We have also collaborated with Friends to Dorking and our community partners at ALDAG, the Men’s Shed, and the United Reform Church to improve the look of our town by adding hanging baskets and pavement planters.
Get to know our team, join our BID Board, and join the BID today.
Are you visiting Dorking? Check out our recommended itineraries on what to do when you visit and are out and about in our wonderful town. Don’t forget to download LoyalFree to connect with our wonderful businesses and start generating savings today.